Last Chance for Wine Delivery by Christmas
Barring heavy snowfall, labor disputes at the North Pole, or discovery that you're on Santa's Naughty List!
We were strange in love, her and I, too wild to last, too rare to die. ~ Atticus
Nothing rare and valuable lasts forever
And neither will the four wines of our 2022 vintage. All Gold Medal winners or better, 90 points or higher! All four are now drinking sensationally and will make a cherished but probably short-lived gift, or grace your table with aplomb.
Not to pile on with the last minute Yuletide offers, but if you haven’t already—and many of you have, thank you!—you gotta go to and place your order NO LATER THAN TOMORROW (Sunday, December 15) to have a snowman’s chance in Death Valley of getting wine by Christmas. Okay, the odds are probably a little better than that, especially the further West you live in the country, but you get my drift. Order now!

You’ve heard me yakkin’ about putting these wines away for another eight months to a year to realize their full potential. And while that may have some truth to it (aging can can be a powerful thing!), in reality that’s often just what a winemaker says when he’s releasing his wines early to supplement cashflow.
But for this magical 2022 vintage that illusion has proven to be unneeded salesmanship. The bottom line is that these wines are truly ready, right now! The reds are all drinking so well that I honestly can’t make up my mind which one I like best. And the Chardonnay is one of those uncommon white wines that get better as they get older.
And the other bottom line—this one a heads up for you—is that I’ll be raising the price of any 2022s we have left in 2025. That’s an unfortunate thing for buyers but a very astute move for smart (read that poor and starving) winemakers. Rarity and quality demand value and I’m determined not to be like those great painters of the Renaissance who die penniless only to have their works of art fetch breath-taking prices,,, posthumously. I want breath-taking while I’m still taking breaths!
But, enough of my sales rant, I’m confident you’ll see the light. And your wallet and palate will thank you for it—not to mention all your family and friends gathered ‘round the Christmas tree. Cheers!
In the meantime stay tuned for some raucous story telling in 2025. Like the misguided adventures of bringing six new single vineyard varietals into the pipeline—Syrah, Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Vermentino, and Albariño. And how maybe, just maybe, we finally hook up with a progressive distributor to bring Tiny Vineyard Wine Company offerings to a restaurant or wine shop near you!